
Thursday 26 February 2015

The Scandal of Inkandla!!!

Mermaids found in Inkandla,witchcraft or?

Two Mermaids found alive in Inkandla.
Isn't interesting or should I say shocking?that there were two alive mermaids found in Jacob Zuma's homestead at Inkandla.Now the tricky question is,were the Mermaids real or not?Only Zuma knows,I say! but again it's said that the mermaids were alive and kicking but the big question is,are there living mermaids on planet earth? People talk and voice their own opinions just as the leader of the Econimic Fredoom Fighters,Julius Malema who we know to be anti Zuma however he accused the president of practising witchcraft I think that he is really hating on Zuma and exaggerating.Julius went on and accused the president on how he uses the mermaids to always win,does any of this make sense though?no! I ask myself how does this work for Zuma? I believe the president was not helped by the mermaids to become president of South Africa! ow,no! I don't think that's the case. 

“It all makes sense now,Zuma was accused of rape,fraud and corruption with hard core evidence presented before the court law but still walked free.His mermaids protected him” 

Julius and Zuma  have a hot beef going on Malema says “It all makes sense now,Zuma was accused of rape,fraud and corruption with hard core evidence presented before the court law but still walked free.His mermaids protected him” Well well well , Malema now? what about his own corruption.I guess this is so complicated.But truthfully Zuma's speaker,Mac Maharaj did say the mermaids were confirmed real and Jacob Zuma says.

Jacob Zuma in Parliament answering on inkandla

Jacob Zuma,The President of south Africa and His Inkandla Home.
As we all know that the Public Protector,Thuli Mandonsela investigated about Inkandla and she presented the final report . This has caused so much confusion and chaos in the parliamentary house owh! not forgetting so much disrespect.Sometimes I feel ashamed to be a South African,with all the corruption surrounding our government officials.This is a disgrace for our country,Inkandla has caused such a chaotic situation and cherry on top,opposition parties had to fight the situation for Jacob Zuma to pay back the money as the EFF sang "pay back the money" in Parliament,making it clear that the president used the government money.I do agree with EFF but the way they are so rude in parliament,it's not pleasing.The dignity of the parliamentary house has dropped and on the other side the Democratic Alliance  don't seem to be giving up as they mentioned.both the opposition parties are calling out for the president to repay some of the money spent at Inkandla. I say Zuma rather pay back the money than resigning because South Africa calls for Zuma to resign.


  1. Well this "Zuma pay back the money" is not happening, because Zuma does not seem to wanna own up to anything, so I don't blame the EFF for acting like that. I think they are simply standing up to him because of being frustrated by Zuma not wanting to answer their questions in parliament

    1. Yes it's not happening and it's never going to work. even after the "pay back the money" ,EFF shouted in parliament, Zuma didn't pay the money.At the end of the day Zuma is the one who is saying that he and his family built five houses own their own pocket so he was not aware of the other security upgrades that were done using the government money.

  2. I don"t anyone has the right to Judge Zuma , i mean if the man says he did not know anything about the money which was used to build his house at Nkandla. Lets just take his word for it.

    1. Yes Yes Yes! you and me share the same mind about the issue.I think they are just hating on Zuma,the way the opposition parties disrespect the president it's so not on!!!

  3. ladies am sorry but i have to disagree with you looking at all the scandals that our president has been accused of it does not need a rocket science to see that it was true, what do you say about him not responding on bringing back the states money that renovated inkadla, i support the eWallet pay back its faster, honey malema doesn't have a beef he states facts.

    1. Point of correction miss with all due respect I,I did not say "Malema has a beef over Zuma" but I said "Zuma and Malema has a beef going on" think of it! Malema and Zuma were very close friends and politicians so now that they do not get along anymore,that does not give Malema and his fellow members of EFF a right to disrespect the president. But yes I do say if Zuma used the state money then he must refund it.

  4. The main thing that shall put rest to all the saga about the honorable man of great stature is after we hear what he has to say because there has been too much news about the man, he needs a break, i didn't even know about hate mermaids, nkosi yam.

    1. But let us face it what else he has to say now? He said it! that he was not aware of the money spent for the security upgrades in Inkandla. Actually I agree with you that,he needs a break. oh and the Mermaids scandal was trending though,how come you do not know about it.

  5. I wish i wasn't linked with any political sagas, but i am forcefully linked because of my profession. Nothing is pleasing about the above picture. Tata Mandela did not fight for this

  6. Zuma does deserve to own a house of that kind. He is a president after all and actions should sure portray it. Bottom line is that he shall not be compared. If Malema somehow thinks that they are in line with the standards? then NO! But Malema himself is corrupt. He is busy questioning the president as to when he will pay back the money while he is stealing from the EFF. The EFF questioned him about where he got 4 million to pay for his wedding, a new GTI payed by the EFF fund registered to his house, using his EFF credit card to purchase expensive alcohol in top clubs. Wait, here is an icing on the cake, the EFF claims that funds meant for the part programmes were being pocketed by Malema, including money meant to bail out fighters arrested for land invasions. He is corrupt and stupidband should really ask the president how this corruption game is playing.

    1. Exactly.It all start with the comparison! There you say it,Julius Malema? one corrupt guy.I just wonder if he would be the president how South Africa would be. He now can point out Zuma's mistakes instead of dealing with his. oh! well I didn't know that he's actually stealing money from the EFF, great!!!

  7. What will him paying back the money solve though? Are we even going to be informed if he pays the money ? I say this money saga will eventually disappear like any other government cases

    1. And there are government cases that disappeared. I say it won't solve nothing.If Zuma wants to pay back the money then he will but this whole drama won't solve anything!

  8. how sure are you, are you about the mermaids... lol "Mermaids protected him" it was jst a story on 1 Jornal, y cnt u ask your self y the story hvnt been abroad..
    For istant scintis hav been searchn for Mermaids, would u belive if they say "Sam" was riding a unicorn??

    1. Hahaha I'm also not so sure though but the President speaker confirmed the mermaids were real,why would he?..and I wouldn't know what to say about you,things happen and people do things.

  9. You know things like this happen, and as we are people we try and avoid them. Witchcraft is real, and this type of witchcraft is called ukuthwala in Zulu, in western culture it is called blood sacrifices.

    1. Yes Witchcraft is real if you believe and if I don't believe then its not! Think about this,Zuma was not helped by thye mermaids to be the president of South Africa1 why would he now use mermaids to win?

  10. I don't believe in witchcraft. Even if the mermaids were real I don't think Zuma would've used the mermaids to win.

    1. I also don't. Exactly how would the President use mermaids to win though? It doesn't make sense for me.
